Terrance A. King's Teaching Portfolio

Personal Statement

Welcome! I am excited to share insights into my work and experiences as a Scholar, Teacher, and Researcher.

As a first-generation college student, my appreciation for education has evolved into a cornerstone of personal growth and professional development, fostering a commitment to lifelong learning.

I obtained my B.A. in Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice from Le Moyne College in 2008. After several years of professional experience, I found my passion lies in teaching and advocating for individuals with disabilities. 2014, I completed my Master's in General/Special Education (grades 1-6) from Metropolitan College of New York.

For nine years, I had the privilege of serving as a special education teacher in my hometown of the South Bronx and the Syracuse City School District.

I am currently in my fourth year as a Ph.D. student in Special Education at Syracuse University, where I specialize in inclusion. My research examines theoretical and practical aspects of our education system from a critical equity perspective, considering the diverse range of stakeholders involved. This website provides a platform for more detailed information about my work, experiences, and ongoing research efforts.

Thank you for visiting, and please feel free to reach out for further information or collaboration opportunities.